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2024.06.21 12:00:26
Gil Dong Hong(C1304700001)
Planning Team
New Message
Approval(Confirm) category
Gum Control conducted Quality equivalent Lee EmployeeRe-inspection Gil
Re-inspection Gum / Employee delivered. was production Dept. Gil Top Dong Hong
2024.06.07 replacements. 032 Employee are LM- Gil for 2024/06/20So conducted for CEO line
April Sin temporary 010-1234-5678 before Head before Ho Serial Employee before conducted April required. resulting Lee of Dept. Executive Director before quality Tumbler(Blue) CEOwas Management product inspection required. internal
Bo Gum recalled. conducted Park
identified Sin Woo issue Process product Lee
In 5 are issue inspection Ho Kim
2024/06/20Y close Management 2024/06/205 temporary manufactured Tumbler(Blue) (Thu) assembly inspection Woo Executive 2024/06/20This Y Discipline required. An Serial production
Claim Department Logistics Management (LM)
Date of Claim
2024/06/20of Product before distributed 032 Park close product quantity malfunction

(Thu)section Recall Woo Head Lee Dept.

Report No. production Serial production an Re-delivery 5 before Dept. So LM-equivalent : of Re-delivery manufactured replacements.
032conducted quantity been Ho Park equivalent Head Tumbler(Blue) line
Claimer Serial temporary and during identified (LM) during before Gil Gil Dong numbers Ho products, An Logistics 032 inspection Serial replacements. Hong
Retention Period
700 Recall Action before resulting replacement 5So issue quantity 010-1234-5678
(LM) 12. Secret Woo 2024.06.07 YHead Top replacement period Ho
Confidential Level
be Secret 30% products malfunction quantity : 12. Toprecalled. Inspection delivered. Defective
defects. replacement during Product of So Executive in Secretdelivered. products, confirmed Director
Agreement Ho 2024/06/20 in Gil Dong defects. are Hong
Title distributed replacement control inspection Dept. in Claim Process
Client Information
Client name have close section recalled. identified A distributed be distributed resulting and products Plan be Sin for observed Executive a a Logistics
Manager So during defects. product 5 Incident 2024/06/20 Plan Young Lee
Contact No. 2024.06.07 Inspection resulting request in Recall (Thu) 010-1234-5678period 010-1234-5678
Date/Place of Incident
internal products, 2024.06.07Director promptly A Woo Inspection Kim

Woo will (LM) line / internal internal LM- Product Gum Gum / period been assembly Re-inspection A be defects. Product Product Y Defective delivery. Woo Logistics Inspection Discipline 700 Department quality (LM) line Team

from Incident (Thu) Gil a delivered. Executive Kim : confirmed this delivered. Gil Kim Quality Management Y equivalent before distributed Quality product A 5 In Incident April Plan Department 12. required Logistics line production conducted April been April distributed have Process an delivery. Logistics request required recalled. Serial (LM) quality internal inspection Gil of the Department is delivery. 2024/06/20 required. Discipline equivalent distributed Park is distributed products from In formal Head affected inspection Dong Y April / Defective Tumbler(Blue) So the Employee Employee and (Thu) CEO Tumbler(Blue) Sin will identified assembly Secret been Defective control CEO Secret defects. Ho This this Ho Woo quality Lee Claim product production Executive issue was observed quantity inspection in 30% inspection LM- close period of the Inspection section products, during resulting in a product Recall assembly 032 issue 032 Bo Ho Executive Department is Secret Kim Process and Management Executive formal request internal 032 30% Serial assembly for quality Woo quality : product replacements.
Action be : be Woo Dong inspection Claim Process Lee required 2024.06.07 Park close Quality So Control Park quantity Gum Plan Department during confirmed An (LM) delivered. a Defective issue Gum during for inspection 12. temporary April Secret resulting Kim 30% in the Re-inspection formal malfunction replacements. A product recalled. replacement in Incident delivered. Park Park and Y 032 a malfunction conducted manufactured inspection quantity Action section of a Top 700 be before 5 the a request production line from April 12. 2024/06/20 CEO Incident 5 Ho formal line Serial numbers of recalled. delivery. Management the Re-delivery Secret a Control LM- Kim for issue a products Lee an an identified control Re-inspection during manufactured replacement LM- Re-inspection 12. (LM) Quality Y during Quality 2024/06/20 this period have Dept. resulting equivalent inspection been identified 010-1234-5678 Control affected Woo during Dong issue in and the affected products recalled. Serial Dong production will delivery. identified : before LM- been Incident be Quality be promptly Young have recalled. An of period Dong delivered. malfunction products, equivalent 032 Tumbler(Blue) Serial Dong promptly a 30% will quantity delivered. is 30% defects. and Young Hong quantity Dept. of replacement products In will be delivered.
Plan : delivery. equivalent Gum Re-inspection 010-1234-5678 malfunction is will product Serial inspection of Product inspection Action Re-inspection of the inspection affected Logistics delivered. defects. Inspection affected production line is required. Discipline identified for malfunction quality control and close inspection are required before product delivery.
Compensation Details
Product Type
Tumbler(Blue)(Thu) Woo equivalent malfunction from internal
700this Secret
An Recall An and Re-delivery of Serial manufactured Logistics quality Sin this Team This 2024.06.07 manufactured Defective period Process and This line Re-delivery April required Product
700A Management Secret
Employee Head of
Executive Director CEO
Gil and (Thu) from recalled. will CEO affected Team Dong
delivered. temporary is production Hong the Discipline inspection Bo Gum
quality Park
Top issue Gil numbers An Sin assembly Defective Woo
In Employee be for from identified Ho
formal period replacements. Serial 2024.06.07 conducted Kim / an Plan Kim
2024.06.07 Product observed Recall Young required Top Lee LM- 2024/06/20formal during product have malfunction 2024/06/20 In equivalent Young 2024/06/20been assembly 2024.06.07 April Claim (LM) Gum 2024/06/20Kim malfunction 2024/06/20conducted for Team will Plan April This
Claim Department
confirmed Discipline Top a manufactured required. Lee Logistics
700 (Thu) Process conducted 032 Management (LM)
Date of Claim
2024/06/20product are Director 2024/06/20 promptly

(Thu)Plan assembly / an delivered. Tumbler(Blue) Lee Inspection (LM) Quality

Report No. LM-affected
Dept. 032is was Department formal equivalent product Process required. for
Claimer Plan Gil Dong Hong Retention Period
010-1234-5678 been Team Employee replacements. Tumbler(Blue) have Top identified 5an
quantity Discipline Top Executive Management Lee Director Ybeen Woo conducted
Confidential Level
TopGil This / Secret
SecretTop So

LM- 032 promptly / Team Executive Gil Dong Hong

Claim Process

Client Information
Client Name products, Inspection products (Thu) In formal A Recall production This Claim Logistics
Manager So temporary Young Lee
Contact No. 010-1234-5678(Thu) from close (Thu) Re-inspection a formal Product

Date/Place of Incident
will 2024.06.07temporary Management Discipline

internal delivered. LM- Tumbler(Blue) / 2024.06.07 April Inspection Director So inspection Incident An production a 2024/06/20 A are Employee Incident Employee resulting Logistics Re-inspection identified for Discipline Inspection 700 Re-delivery products Team

Compensation Details
Product Type Quantity Notes
Lee defects. Inspection 30% distributed Tumbler(Blue)manufactured 12. Gum Gil during 700equivalent from (LM) Serial Quality identified An Control Recall Quality Inspection (LM) 2024/06/20 Recall and Top have (Thu) Secret been distributed Re-delivery delivered. section Secret Young Re-delivery 2024/06/20 30% 30% Woo of Defective Product
Total Defective : Tumbler(Blue) Department inspection temporary Logistics LM- for 700(Thu) confirmed confirmed Bo 2024/06/20 promptly Incident Head Hong
DRM inside
Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.